
Various Trodways cross the county, providing passage through the Dreaming to other fae realms, near and far. One follows the Appalachian Trail south and west to its end near Willow's Heart, and is unsuitable to vehicular traffic although
manageable on horse or foot. The other follows the pleasant, winding course of the Blue Ridge Parkway, southwards to the Glamour-rich city of Asheville, North Carolina, and on to the Great Smokey Mountains. These trods join not far beyond the city of Roanoke and lead northeast to the County of Shenandoah.
Other trods cross or join these beyond Rowan-Oak to lead to other kingdoms and even across the ocean.
Follow the links below to make the journey to another site. But be warned -- by Right of Demesne, these cantrevs and freeholds each make their own laws and enact their own justice. Customs differ, and even the Arts of Glamour may operate in unfamiliar ways in a place where other rulers hold sway. By command of the Countess Rosamund, fae of Rowan-Oak who undertake such journeys are admonished to observe such local traditions as closely as they would her own rule.
The Kingdom of Apples
- Caer Falken
The thronehold of the County of Bergen, this sprawling estate includes Count Hemlock's magnificent castle, as well as a tourney field, tavern, and a nature preserve in the Forest of Dreams. Count Hemlock ap Gwydion and
his satyr Countess, Archway, receive courteous visitors with warm hospitality. The disrespectful, however, may draw Gwydion's legendary ire.
Everwyrd Hall
In an abandoned subway station in Manhattan is the Freehold of Everwyrd Hall. Once a haven of commoner leadership, Everwyrd is now ruled by a noble Baroness, albeit with a standing welcome to commoner kithain. Those who stray into the tunnels and catacombs below the freehold do so at their own peril.
The Kingdom of Willows
New Agengard
In a long-neglected corner of the Duchy of Chesapeake rises a towering keep of gleaming black stone, the Freehold of Lord Elyon and Countess
Akanthea. Prodigals receive a cold greeting at the postern gate, but fae of both Courts, noble and commoner alike, are welcome. This is a noble hall, however, and the dungeons await those who would scoff at the Lord Freeholder's edicts, or the authority of the countess, his chatelaine.
The Kingdom of Pacifica
Ardent Harbor
Far off, upon the Pacifican shore, rises an abandoned amusement park. Viscount Jude ap Liam has found the Glamour of forgotten dreams here, and seeks to restore this place of dreams to its former splendour. Kinain, mortal and selkie play is emphasized at this unusual site, where the lives of mortals are adjudged as inviolate as those of kithain.
Tempest Keep
Tempest Keep has long been adrift, forsaken in the Dreaming. Newly rediscovered and anchored to the Silver Path, the Keep is once again accessible from the Autumn World. It is also saturated with a brooding anger, and tempers run short here. Put that together with a redcap Freeholder and you have a recipe for trouble. Not for the squeamishly Seelie, or faint of heart.
Desolation Freehold
Hidden amongst the industrial wasteland of Oakhold, a freehold of dissident commoners struggles to hold its own against the Seelie nobility and other threats of the Autumn World. Glamour runs thin and cold here, and the masters of this place have their own interpretations of the Escheat. Desolation offers not the warmest of hearths nor the kindest companions, but beggars cannot be choosers.
The Kingdom of Grass
Firnost Freehold
A Commoner Mews in the Kingdom of Grass. Sited at the terminus of several Trods, Firnost draws changelings
from all across Concordia and beyond. All fae, kithain or gallain, are welcome here regardless of Court. Prodigals, however, require Enchantment and a changeling sponsor to safeguard them here.
The Moonlit Trod
The freehold of Countess Llyandra of House Fiona has long offered hospitality to changelings from all over the world.
The Countess of Silver Spires has kept extensive records of her many guests, and visitor can read about them in her archives.
The Kingdom of the Burning Sun
(note: The King of the Burning Sun, Chief Greyhawk of House Gwydion, has recently closed the borders of his demesne to outlanders, fearing a tide of refugees from troubled regions of Concordia. Travel by trod to the Southwest therefore requires the ability to evade the king's agents. Not all trods are guarded, but outlanders should keep a low profile. If you are caught, and say you came from Rowan-Oak, the Countess is unlikely to be pleased. Be discrete.)
the Duchy of the Setting Sun
Held by Duke Wainne ap Ailil, the freeholds of this demense bask in the sun of the New Mexico desert. The
Unseelie Duke rules firmly over his vassals as he plots the expansion of his fortunes.
Superstition Eyrie
This mountain outpost of House Eiluned lies in the desert wilderness of Arizona, on the edge of the Duchy of Firebird. A small freehold held by a landed knight of the Order of the Evening Star, the Eyrie serves as a repository for lore of the Dreaming and as a lookout upon the trods near the dangerous border of Sun and Serpent.

The Kingdom of Ulster
The Brick Glade
Across the ocean, in the ancient homelands of the Daoine Sidhe, lies the sorrow-haunted
Island of Hibernia. From the heart of Belfast, Duke Kestry strives to bring
hope to heal the Troubles of his land. Read the excellent "Belfast Child" tales here at their author's website.
Yn�s Manaw
The Free County of Quintomar
Set like a pearl cupped in the shell of the Irish Sea is the Isle of Man, known to kithain as the Free County of Quintomar. Ruled by the Eearley Ruis Tremonte y Fiona, Quintomar cherishes its independence from any foreign crown. Intrigue abounds in this highly structured society of eccentric, isolationist nobles, where the rules of etiquette are virtually law. Visitors are strongly advised to be on their very best behavior.
The Kingdom of Cymru
Tyr-o-Yr Alarch Du
Upon the stony, sea-wracked shore of the fallen Principality of Powys, in a freehold built upon the very brink of land, the Jarles Rhiony of House Ailil has gathered the disheartened and disaffected to her banner. In defiance of Winter and Seelie lords alike, she plots a Dream of her own. Enter at your own risk.
The Kingdom of Albion
Verdant Tower
Far off along the transatlantic trod-ways, in the Dreaming of the Isle of the Mighty, rises the stalwart fortress of trollish Baron Gawain ap Gwydion. Concordian fae are welcomed here, provided they respect the laws of this foreign land.
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