Dame Lillian Airmidh ap Liam
Lady of Winterlong
Of all noble sidhe in the County of Rowan-Oak, Dame Lillian Airmidh has lived here the longest. She arrived in the train of Count Malcom mac Dougal, the lord who subdued Rowan-Oak to sidhe rule in the Accordance War. She herself took no part in that conflict save to record the events she witnessed, in her role as Count Malcolm's scribe. Following the war, she remained in the count's household, keeping the annals of the court and advising the Lord of Rowan Oak on matters of history.
Known in mortal society as Lilly Ably, she was the first of the sidhe of Rowan-Oak to find employment in the Autumn World, at the library of Blackstone University. Years later, when Lady Rosamund of House Fiona came to Blackstone as a professor of English Literature, Lillian drew her attention to the old theater building on campus, which contained enough residual Glamour to house a freehold. Unable to spare the Glamour that such an endeavor would require of her, she nonetheless was instrumental in Rosamund's creation of Caer Ondomorna, a favor that was rewarded by the Fiona noblewoman's friendship in spite of Lillian's allegiance to the dishonored House Liam.
When Rosamund's son Alan underwent his Chrysalis (becoming the satyr Almond), Lillian shared the task of his mentorship with the trollish bard, Lorloch Sytrisdattir. While allowing the commoner loremaster to claim the prestige of mentoring the son of a highborn baroness, her own influence left its mark upon the young satyr, sharpening his appreciation for history and his reverence for the timeless traditions of the kithain.
Until recently, Lillian continued to serve as the chief scribe and archivist of the county, residing in the freehold of Caer Ondomorna as a retainer of Countess Rosamund's own household. Following the gruesome death of Lady Quave ap Eiluned, however, she has been granted the rank of dame as well as Quave's erstwhile freehold of Fair Oaks Manor. Long shunned by the kithain of the county on account of Quave's disagreeable temperment, the freehold has been renamed Winterlong Manor, and at Lady Lillian's suggestion, refurbished to serve as a place in which childlings can learn those things young kithain should know. Winterlong is an accredited boarding school, and open to enrollment by any childling, no matter how poor their family may be, thanks to a scholarship fund endowed by the boggan Lord Mayor of Fair Oaks, Elmer Brickie, who also chairs the school's board of trustees.
When invested with a dame's rank, the nonviolent Lady Lillian was gifted with a small silver harp in lieu of the sword which is a knight's traditional treasure. Whenever played, this graceful instrument calms all within the sound of its music. It is nearly impossible to take violent action within the sphere of its influence. The Lady of Winterlong posesses another treasure as well, a quill pen made from a plume shed by the Simurgh, the emperor of all the birds of the Dreaming. Documents written with this pen glean a measure of the Simurgh's majesty and are extremely persuasive, causing whomever reads them to be inclined to agree with their counsel. This even allows Lady Lillian to overcome the stigma of her House, but only so far as concerns transactions undertaken in writing.
Lady Lillian Airmidh possesses a less ethereal beauty than most sidhe, but the grandame is nonetheless striking with silken hair of steel-grey worn in a regal coil atop her head. Her features are quite delicate, her large grey eyes sparkle with keen intelligence, and her low voice is soothing and almost musical. She favors voile of simple elegance in shades of blue, and carries herself with an air of quiet self-assurance. Seen in mortal mein, she passes for an unremarkable spinster with an air of quiet competence, and favors navy blue suits of classic, vintage style.