a boggan of Baywood

boggan wilder

Mortal Seeming: The 18 year old young man has short black hair and dark blue eyes. Sadly, he hovers below many women at 5'7", but he's still sort of handsome. Craig is muscular, particularly in the arms, though hardly a weightlifter. He dresses as is practical for the weather and job at hand. He almost always has a staff on hand, of plain stout wood

Fae Mien: He is dressed in durable voile, his fae seeming much like his mortal, eyebrows a bit larger, and hands a touch more calloused. The staff to fae eyes is far more inricate in carvings, and occasionally crackles with strong glamour

About Craig: Craig recently graduated high school from elsewhere in the county and, hearing of the newly reclaimed Barony of Baywood and inspired by a pioneering spirit, has become one of its first new residents. He is something of a jack of all trades. There are various boggans and boggan kinain related to him, and he speaks respectfully of his sister -- and her temper!

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