A Duel of Honor

Having disagreed over their interpretations of events and Almond's account of them to Janet, Sir Ewan and Sir Almond find themselves at an impasse, both feeling insulted and neither willing to concede the point. Honor will allow only one resolution - a duel.
~Part 1 - New Agengard - The Challenge~

Sir Almond: *stiffly bespeaks Sir Ewan* I owe you no apology until I have received one myself, sir, nor shall you have
it before.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: Then... if you wish to challeng me Sir Almond, do so. Else leave it be. I
consider you a friend, but to accuse others so freely, simply because of your own insecurities? I
expect better of you. If you like... I will forget your words and you forget mine, but
that is the best I can offer .
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Know that between Ewan's Gwydion rage and Almond's satyr
impusle control problems that things might very well get violent quickly*
Jeremy: (is echoing Sebastian's thoughts, but outwardly remains placid, watching silently)
Sir Almond: (Ewan) To the Dragon's Dance, then, sir... since I'll have no satisfaction aught.
Janet Cogsbury: I think it may be best to wait until both tempers have cools - Gwydion's and
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Face turns paler than usual at Almonds words*
Sir Almond: *rises* To fight until one yields, with an apology to be offered by the loser.
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Yes Janet is Right no of you are in you most rational minds right now. Please Almond Withdraw Your Challenge
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: The Dragons' Dance? As you say Sir. As I am the challenged, I
will accept that, but no cantrip shall be cast in battle. Though I humbly ask that you allow me to place Protocol upon myself, so that I might not disgrace myself as easily with Gwydion's Rage.
Sir Almond: Death before dishonor, Sir Sebastain. I shall have an apology or the test of honor.
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Do not confuse honor with pride Sir Almond...
Sir Almond: *to Ewan* Protocol shall be cast upon both of us, then. And we fight with plain chimerical
blades, not Treasures.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: Agreed. I would not wish to use the Verdant blade against he who
helped inspire it.
Jeremy: (whispers softly, trying to be heard)...Should not the Countess o'ersee, as the challenge
was issued within her Halls?
Sir Almond: And are such contests outlawed here to your knowledge? They are not to
mine, and I am councillor to the Lord Freeholder.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: It is my understanding, they are not permited within the Hall itself.. perhaps,
out of respect to New Agengard.. we should take it outside the grounds?
Sir Almond: *turns to bespeak Sebastian* Insult is not to be borne, sir, and if both Sir Ewan and I find ourselves agrieved, how else may it be done?
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: I have offered to drink , so to speak, from the rivers of lethe this night, and wash away the words spoken on both sides. That was not accepted. I Will bend, but I will not break.
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Sighs* If that is what you both Wish so Shall it be. I can not stop you.
Sir Almond: As to venue, I would prefer our Fior presided by the Dreaming, in a place of Glamour. Will
you withdraw with me and those curious to Fiddler's Green in Rowan Oak?
Jeremy: (says nothing, listens)
Janet Cogsbury: *watches, frowning still*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: Of course. Angry at you or not I trust your honor. If you claim this place be suited, suitied it is. One moment, while I trade blades.
Sir Almond: *to Sebastian* And I, sir, find overlooking insult to be in dubious accord with the Seelie Code. *nods to Ewan* And I shall fech mine, sir.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Nods and heads to his room*
Jeremy: (settles...murmurs to Janet)...Dost thou wish to go, and watch the sport..?
Janet Cogsbury: *shrugs* If they want to kill each other... Though we could... *leans over and
whispers in his ear... to make a sailor blush*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Shortly thereafter, returns with his old blade, a fine blade, but normal
Jeremy: (eyes widen slightly...glances at her, torn between desire to watch, and...baser desires)
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Sighs*
Sir Almond: *trots up to the gallery and the storage loft behind for his sword-belt*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *to Sebastian* Do you wish to bear witness Sir?
Sir Almond: *returns with his basket-hilt broadsword of blued chimeric steel*
Jeremy: (a momentary internal struggle, before one wins...murmurs)...I sould...go Watch...if only
to recount, later, what transpired...
Janet Cogsbury: *nestles against him* though I suppose those could wait until later tonight... but
that is what I want if I go. *smiles coyly*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: I shall, my friend. *the look on his face dissaproving of this insanity*
Jeremy: ...Agreed. (without hesitation...rather poor bargaining form, but...)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: I am sorry Sir Sebastain.I know this troubles you, it troubles me no
less. But I have been granted no honorable withdrawl from sheding a friiends blood.
Janet Cogsbury: *but a more than fair price....* Agreed... *kisses him lightly on the cheek, trying
not to think too much about the duel*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Ewan: I know.
Fionnuala: *Slips into the room from....somewhere*
Janet Cogsbury: *waves to Nuala and smiles briefly*
Jeremy: (reaches to touch her cheek, then rises gracefully, offers her a hand up)
Sir Almond: Who said anything about blood. The Dragon's Dance, as any schoolchild knows, is
fought until one yeilds...
Jeremy: (vague nod to Fionnuala)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Bows to the Lady Fionnuala on his way to the Coatroom*
Fionnuala: *Inclines her head to both Janet and Jeremy....moves over to Jeremy and whispers*
Jeremy: (tilts head...listens)
Sir Almond: But let's get this over with... One of these nights I need to sleep.
Fionnuala: *bows to Ewan, her gaze somwhat suspicious*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Shakes his head at the insults.. win or lose, perhaps this will get the nonsense out of the satyr's system*
Jeremy: (whispers back, shortly...glances over)
Sir Almond: *follows to the Rowan-Oak Trod* Lady Fionnuala... good eve. *exits*
Jeremy: (adds something quietly)
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Heads to Rowan Oak*
Jeremy: (a pause...then trails after, nod to Fionnuala)...If thou wish come view the sport...
Jeremy: (to her whisper)...'Tis not mine place, to lecture a Knight, Lady...(as he goes)
Fionnuala: *nod at Almond and watches him go...her eyes narrowed*
Jeremy: ...I did. I shall tell thee, after... (exits as well)
~Part 2 - Fiddler's Green - the Field of Honor~

Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Steps out to the Green* A lovely spot. *Nods*
Sir Almond: *enters the glade, checking to be assured it is unoccupied*
Jeremy: (exits trod quietly, takes an unobtrusive place to observe)
Sir Almond: It's where Rowan-Oak duels... when official attention is unwarranted.
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Arrives Solem Look on His Face*
Jeremy: (waits for the nocker, before going into hiding)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: Quite Sensible. *Nods*
Sir Almond: *paces off a square, forty paces to a side*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Stands aside*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: Jeremy? Are you near by? *Looks around*
Sir Almond: Think that's enough space? About all I can cover with Protocol.
Jeremy: (is near trod...soft whisper. Sounds like 'aye')
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Reluctantly puts on his helm*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Whispers to no one in paticular* Madness
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: ALMOND- It should be more than enough Sir Almond. /JEREMY I have a
favor to ask of you.
Jeremy: (a pause....reluctantly slips closer. Whisper)...Aye, Sir..?
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: JEREMY- I know the ability to ensnare is in your power, I pray no blood
need be spilt, but , should it come to that. And the Protocal somehow fail, I ask you to entrap me,
lest I give into the Rage.
Jeremy: ...Aye, Sir. (starts to reach towards the sidhe...pauses. Tonelessly)...May I?
Jeremy: (his hand hovers near the sidhe's head, to the side, watching...no Glamour evident)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: Jeremy- May you? *Curious*
Sir Almond: *fastens the straps securing his shirt of brigandine*
Jeremy: (the hand snaps, and there is a brief sting...four strands of Sir Ewan's hair lie in the slaugh's
palm. He retreats quietly, hissing)...Bunk material...most effective.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Has his own full armor on*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: JEREMY- Not that I don't trust you Jeremy.. but I'l want those back after
Jeremy: (takes his place near trod again, in front of underbrush, settling to crouch. Faint
smile)...Not that thou dost not trust me...aye.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Waits for the Protocol to be cast*
Jeremy: (glances at Trod...decides the nocker really didn't want what she asked for earlier...with
some disappointment. Turns attention back, watching)
Jeremy: (wraps the strands around his fingers)
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Ewan and Almond: This is your final chance if either of you wishes
to aplogize and preclude this insanity you may do so now.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Hoists his shield* Sir Sebastian- I have offered what I have offered, he will
not take it.
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Reaches into his pockets and pulls out a badly needed cigarette and lights up*
Sir Almond: (Sebastian) I have offered Sir Ewan the opportunity to apologize thrice already. No
other path lies open to honor.
Sir Almond: By the Power of this green and holy place, may the Dreaming hold us to our Honor.
*Casts Protocol on Ewan, himself and the Dueling Field*
Janet Cogsbury: *Janet slips in to the grove, by Jeremy*
Jeremy: (faint smile to Janet...whispers softly, makes room for her, pulling her to sit between his
knees, if she allows it...watches)
Janet Cogsbury: *takes his hands gently and squeezes them briefly*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Brings up Dragon's Ire*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Puts out Cigarette when he sees Janet.*
Jeremy: (glances up, a glimmer of mistrust, that he does his best to hide...a pause. Then
whispers back)
Janet Cogsbury: *murmurs softly to Jer, gladly nestling close to him*
Jeremy: (snakes arms around her, resting chin on her shoulder, contentedly....watching)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Crackles with what some term the 'Hero's light'* *Approaches*
Jeremy: (murmurs into her ear, lacing fingers over her stomach from behind)
Sir Almond: ''We dance the Dragon's Dance beneath the waning moon...'' *voice sepulchral* ''And
set loose the D�n, the chariot of Dream and Doom...''
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: "The Reigns of Reason slip as the star hoofed Horses race..."
Janet Cogsbury: *rests her hands on his, seemingly content*
Sir Almond: *a nimbus of dawn-colored flames engulfs him*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *watches sadly hoping that no blood be spilled*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: " And we hear the crackle of mis rule.. beneath their frantic pace... "
Jeremy: (noncommital sound at her whisper....watches, rubbing hands over her belly lightly,
before becoming absorbed in the drama)
Sir Almond: ''Wide ey�d, the mares of night to us draw near -''
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: "Come; Sweet Mother Dream, our love, our lot, our fear." *Chants with Almond*
Sir Almond: So mote it be. Art ready, Sir Ewan?
Jeremy: (faint disappointment...pulls back her hair to brush lips over the back of her
neck..whispers...then releases her slowly)
Sir Almond: *draws his blade*
Janet Cogsbury: *murmurs* Tonight... I promise. *gets up slowly and drifts off*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Whispers so that none here* Damn both you madmen.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: Art Ready Sir Almond. *Blade drawn.. salutes.. and when salute
is returned.. attacks.. silver sword slashing out for Almond's own hilt*
Sir Almond: En garde! *attempts to parry the stroke*
Jeremy: (watches her go with a sigh....then turns eyes back to the duel)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *The stroke is parried.. Ewan nods.. impressed.. tightens his grip on his own
Sir Almond: *eyes gleam in the light of his halo of flame, and catch the sparks of blade upon
blade, as he watches Ewan's movements*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *His flame threatens to dim a bit.. truly.. his heart is not in this at the
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *At the same time cannot watch the duel, nor can he turn away*
Calliope: *trots up the path, refreshing herself before she continues her studies*
Jeremy: (has no compunctions about watching, and does so)
Sir Almond: *his broadsword flashes craftily, as he tries to smite Sir Ewan's sword from his hand*
Calliope: *stops short at the edge of the clearing, utter shock clear on her face*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Draws the blade back.. eyes flicker back to life.. and attempts a
slash at his friend*
Sir Almond: *stymied by the parry, struggles to bring his blade to bear*
Calliope: *scowls and says nothing*
Sir Almond: *unabe to dodge, grunts audibly as Sir Ewan's blow connects*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Blade slides snake like before the blade can be parried in return..*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Fliches as he watches the Blade connect hoping that this will get
Almond to yeild*
Sir Almond: *winces and steps back, a spreading stain - black by moonlight - betrays the wound
beneath his arm*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Draws first blood though not deeply* I ask you to yield brother knight.
Calliope: *glares at all of them, or none of them, it's hard to tell... but she's MAD!*
Jeremy: (watching with sharp eyes, recording all)
Sir Almond: Nay, Sir. I do not yeild.
Calliope: *seems to be glaring at Almond most of all, though*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Almond, PLEASE!
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Crackles ... a bit angry at being forced, or so he sees it, into this* As you wish.
Calliope: *stomps a hoof, but is unable to stop the duel, or yell at anyone, or whatever she may have
wanted to do*
Jeremy: (draws up knees, lacing fingers over his them idly, dangling hands...the sidhe's hair is
still wrapped around his finger)
Sir Almond: A ROSE! A ROSE! *thunders his battle-cry as he brings his blade forcefully against Ewan's in
an attempt to strike it from his hand - the burning aura flares bright, and the music of hunting horns, as from a great distance, can be heard*
Jeremy: (a wince away from the shout and clash)
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Mutters Lowly* Madness
Sir Almond: *has no eyes for anything say his opponent upon the field of honor*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *BLINDING light as they clash!*
Jeremy: (dutifully watching, eyes slitted....raises a hand to massage an ear a touch irritably)
Sir Almond: *grunts audibly, features bunch in a grimace of frustration as his blow fails of its
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Staggers back.. .. but sword still in his hand.. barely*
Sir Almond: *shifts from hoof to hoof waiting for Sir Ewan to strike*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Strike he does.. thrusting for the other side from Almond's first wound*
Sir Almond: *attempts a nimble sidestep of the blow*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Almond narrowly avoids the blade.. with, Ewan must admit to himself, great
grace for one wounded*
Sir Almond: *...And having done so, sweeps at Sir Ewan's legs with the flat of his blade, moving
for a knockdown*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Leaps over the sweeping blade.. with a grunt*
Sir Almond: *the bloodstain upon the cloth fabric of his brigandine grows slowly... he steps back
to consider his opponent*
Jeremy: (raises head, to scent the ai absetly, catching the copper tang of the satyr's blood o the
Sir Almond: *but his aura is undimmed and his grip upon his blade does not falter*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *To Himself* Sir Almond you prideful fool. This is not honor, this
vanity, this is not a duel this is insanity.
Jeremy: (sneezes, once, to clear his nose...watches)
Jeremy: (eyes flicker briefly to the bemoaning sidhe...then back)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *whips his blade about... and attempts to disarm his friend in a surprise
Sir Almond: Ah! *cries with the sting as the blade is knocked from his hand*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *To Himself* Almond Yield Please, Yield
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: NOW.. Sir Almond. You have fought with Honor. Yield. I ask you. *does not want to have to STAB the Fiona*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *again*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Crackling now.. with not just dragons Ire.. but a sidhe's impasioned plea*
Sir Almond: Nay, I do not yeild! *lowers his head amd charges Ewan suddenly*
Calliope: *still standing there, frowning*
Jeremy: (both brows raise...watches with interest)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Eyes start to flare from impassioned plea, to anger as the Satyr bears
down on him..*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *to Almond* No, Please No! *More Helpless than ever*
Jeremy: (starts calmly to unwrap the brown hairs around his finger)
Calliope: *but beginning to look more worried than angry*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *SLAMMED to the Earth.. not stepping to the side in time*
Sir Almond: *backsteps, shaking his head* Downed. Sir Ewan, dost ~thou~ yield? *moving to
retrieve his sword*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Ewan: Yield. Please Yield
Jeremy: (holds the hairs loosely in hand, watching)
Calliope: *narrows her eyes a fraction*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: I believe we agreed upon sword *Rises up flipping to his feet*
Sir Almond: *pauses, chagrined* Ah, so we did. I am forfeit the match.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Nods* Well, that's over. *Smiles and puts his blade away* Surprising move
though. *Pats his chest then offers a hand*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Honor is Satisfied.
Sir Almond: *the nimbus of rose-hued fire dims as he kneels in obeisance to Sir Ewan.* Wilt thou
forgive my unmannered words, Sir Ewan? I am sorry to have spoken thee so.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: I will.. and I hope you will, in turn, know that I never meant any
insult to any Commoner by my word, action, or deed, and if I have offended by accident, I deeply wish
my own clumsy wit had handled it better. Rise Brother. Let us walk from this field both better men. *Offers his hand for a lift*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *The Dragon's Ire about Ewan has faded like fog in sunlight*
Sir Almond: Honor is satisfied. *accepts the hand and rises* Tradition dictates ... in Fiona, at
least, a drink or so after a duel. I'd be honored if you would join me? *banishes his Protocol*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Walks up to Ewan and Almound Smiling* I could kill you both right
now my freinds.*Smiling* But I won't
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *smiles* Fiona wine and satyr brew is something not to be refused. Of course.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *Tsk* REALLY Sir Sebastian. Such violent manners. It hardly suits you. *smiles sweetly*
Sir Almond: (Sebastian) Sometimes it is better to put grudges in the open, brother knight. Then
they may be honorably discarded. Will you join us for a cup?
Calliope: *since they're both safe and friendly-like, she's back to pissed* What are you all DOING
here. *bursts out*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Really. Here I am happy as a clam after seeing
milady Winter and you to go off like cats and dogs ruining my mood
Sir Almond: *the fiery aureole is extinguished*
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *to Calliope* Well.. we WERE Dueling.. but now we are going to have a
drink. *Nods*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Gladly. *Smiles*
Sir Almond: *to Calliope* Why, settling a matter of honor, madame... a use this Glade has known for
longer a span of years than I possess.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: SEB- *Smiles* Then ... for ruining your mood... I'll buy your round.
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Ewan: Okay than. *Smiles*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Turns to Almound* That should start hurting in 3,2,1.....
Sir Almond: The Pine Lodge is on our way... Unless you would prefer to wait until we have
returned to Agengard?
Calliope: But what are you doing HERE? *stomps her hoof*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Pine Lodge is Fine by me.
Sir Almond: *to Sebastian* What? That pin's prick? *but does seem to be moving a bit stiffly*
Mercury can patch it up when I get home. And I won't let him come for Sir Ewan's head.
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: No no... The Pine Lodge is fine. Besides, if the Countess is up,
she's just ask some troublesome questions... and get those stresslines in her face, you know the
Calliope: *glares at Almond*
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: Right. *Smiles* Let's get Drunk
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *to Calliope*- Well, blood is much harder to get out of New Agengard's
tapestries, where as the ground just laps it up. *Straightfaced*
Sir Almond: *Calliope* Come, now... Why so angry? Won't you join us in depleteing the Lord
Mayor's wine cellar?
Jeremy: (reaches a hand surreptitiously beneath the brush....rises. Stretches)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: Ahem... *Walks to Jeremy* *And gently takes the hairs from his
hand* Thanks Jeremy.
Sebastian McClure ap Liam: *Chuckles in typical Seb fashion*
Jeremy: (his hands are empty)
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: My hairs Jeremy?
Jeremy: (a rather dry look...reluctantly sinks to a crouch...reaches beneath the brush...withdraws
three hairs..offers them back)
Calliope: *to Ewan* You wish you were funny. *to Almond, scowling still* No. *sounds rather petulant,
Sir Ewan Wolfsblood: *takes the Three... and a wisp forms... flying to the fourth one*
Whereupon all exit the scene, the duelists to take the Cup of Peace, Calliope to her studies still fuming.

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